Understanding parental burnout

  • Datum

  • Adresse

    92 Grand-Rue
    L-9711 Clervaux
  • Uhrzeit

  • Dauer

    2 hrs
  • Preis

    for free
  • Inhaltsbeschreibung

    During this activity, we discuss the challenges of parenting today. What is burnout in general and specifically parental burnout? How does it manifest itself and how can it be prevented or even overcome? What are the consequences of parental burnout? This presentation targets everyone interested in the subject.
  • Dozent

    Tania Hemmer
  • Zielpublikum

    • Berufstätige
    • Eltern
    • Frauen
    • Migranten
  • Themenbereich

    • Mensch und Gesundheit
  • Kontaktperson

    Marion Conzemius